Minecraft Switch Edition Local Multiplater Not Saving Settings

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Topic: Minecraft Multiplayer not working

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  • Spawned2kids

I signed my son up to Nintendo online so he can play with friends. After a seriously long winded process of creating his MS account and gamer tag (and mine!) he's is online. But since he's been online, he can no longer play offline multiplayer with his cousin at home.
I've changed various settings via my MS/Xbox account by changing things in the security profile under my account, I reference to his child account. But I am totally stuck now!!



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  • WoomyNNYes

@Spawned2kids Offline splitscreen multiplayer on one Switch console? Or local wireless multiplayer (switch bluetooth) with two switch consoles?

There are a few youtube videos showing menus for setting up multiplayer on one console, and also videos for local wireless with two consoles. Some are painful videos but some are helpful.

EDIT: If anyone comes across this thread, I'm pasting the solution here so you don't have to read the whole thead.

To access splitscreen mode you need to turn "multiplayer" off in options. Sounds counter intuitive, but the "multiplayer" setting in this case means "multiplayer online", which would explain why you get a Switch Online prompt roadblock. So, turn that off multiplayer in the options, and player two should be able to join by pressing (+) button, which initiates Splitscreen mode.

**Post #6 below has a video example/explaination.

Edited on by WoomyNNYes


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  • Spawned2kids

Thanks, it was working fine until I signed him up to play online. Figured it's the only way he can "play" with friends, but now he can't play with his cousin that lives with him! 🤦🏽‍♀️ Can't win!
It was painful setting him up, not looking forward to the videos. Thanks again



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  • WoomyNNYes

@Spawned2kids You didn't say if you're trying to play multiplayer with one console or two. So, I'll try to address both.

Subscribing to Nintendo Switch Online does not block multiplayer on one console or across multiple consoles. It only grants access to online games that require it. So, something else changed, or a step is being missed.

If the menus haven't changed, the top video below may help you with two player split screen with one console; Player two needs to hit the (+) button with the second controller while in game to join.

How to set up split screen co-op playing on one console

Setting up Local Wireless multiplayer with 2+ consoles (make sure wifi is enabled on both consoles, and make sure they are both still Switch friends)

Edited on by WoomyNNYes


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  • Spawned2kids

@WoomyNNYes apologies. It's split screen on a single console that has stopped working. I keep getting an error when a second player tries to join. My nephews profile can't join, says he needs an online subscription, even though they are not playing online. It is in essence saying, no other profile can join unless they are subscribed to play online.



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  • WoomyNNYes

@Spawned2kids Maybe this is it!

In this video, they mention you need to turn "multiplayer" off in options to access splitscreen multiplayer. Sounds counter intuitive, but I think multiplayer setting in this case means "online", which would explain why you get a Switch Online prompt roadblock. So, turn that off, and player two should be able to join by pressing (+) button.

Sometimes when games are ported to the Switch from other platforms there can be some quirks with menus. I think that's why it's not intuitive here.

I pasted to video to play at the time stamp where he says you have to turn off "multiplayer" in options to play splitscreen offline.

Edited on by WoomyNNYes


  • 7

@Spawned2kids hope you got it to work. I had a similar problem when I first got minecraft.

You go to the settings and just switch the multiplayer tab to the left.

We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.

Switch Friend Code: SW-5229-5058-9308


  • 8
  • Spawned2kids

Absolute legend!! It wouldn't work at first, but logged out and back in a few times, messed around with I don't know what In the settings and it eventually allowed me to switch multiplayer on. The screen was appearing, but it wasn't allowing me to switch it on. Working now. Thank you for al the help!



  • 9
  • Spawned2kids

I got it to work...eventually! I feel like I'm on the way to getting a post graduate in understanding minecrafts many over complicated settings!



  • 10
  • Crawfs98

Hi, been through the whole thing above but I cant toggle multiplayer to off. It is selected to on, greyed out and I cant move the cursor across on the that part of the screen. Any ideas?



  • 11
  • Spawned2kids

I clearly have little knowledge on the subject, hence why I had post here.
If you go into worlds on the option screen. Click the relevant world you wish to okay in and there is a toggle there for multiplayer.
I did this and it works fine.

It's a long winded, illogical and highly frustrating process! Goodluck



  • 12
  • UpdatesSuck

It appears that today 31st October an update came out last night that has broken split screen couch co-op on the Switch

Yesterday I was playing it fine with my Son, (single switch, same home) but starting up the switch today had (yet another) forced update for the switch and has now blocked multiplayer split screen access

When attempting to access the multiplayer menu (only available when trying to run a multiplayer session) the menu option to toggle multiplayer is greyout and unable to be toggled.

Also, our switch has an active online subscription, still valid for 6 months, so that is not the issue and it appears the latest update has angered something

Is anyone else also seeing the same?



  • 13
  • WoomyNNYes

@UpdatesSuck Whenever I or someone here have struggled with a greyed out menu option in any game, the problem has always turned out to be a setting somewhere else, sometimes a very counterintuitive setting toggled. I can't guarantee that's the issue here, but statistically speaking, it's likely. Minecraft splits creen has a counterintuitive setting.

Posts #6 of this thread was the solution for getting split screen to work on minecraft, in this case.

Sometimes an update can change a setting somewhere back to default.

If that's not the issue here, forgive me.😉

Edited on by WoomyNNYes


  • 14
  • UpdatesSuck

@WoomyNN Yes thanks, the original post you mentioned was in fact the one I used back in February but alas this no longer works since the latest update.

I tried this on my nephew's switch and told him not to update it, this still then allowed local co-op play.

He later updated it after verifying that the game worked as expected and following the update, his too also locked out local play despite him also being subscribed to Nintendo Online.

The on screen notification on both reads:

###Nintendo Switch Online Required

To play a split-screen multiplayer without a Nintendo Switch Online Subscription, Toggle the"Multiplayer" box to the off position in the Game Settings.


We have verified that there is no network issues with the switch via several other games and all work as expected so firmly think today's update has broken something.

I've tried reaching out to both Mojang and Nintendo without reply as of yet

Edited on by UpdatesSuck



  • 15
  • WoomyNNYes

@UpdatesSuck Oh, got ya. Sorry to hear. Nintendo will probably point you to the game's developers. I expect Minecraft support is likely your best channel for this. I never rule out anything, but that's probably how this will go.

I've emailed a couple game devs in the past. Fortnite was impressive, got an email reply in 2.5 hours. Rocket League took 2-3 days. Be ready in case Minecraft/Mojang asks for a screen shot of the error prompt/switch online prompt you're getting. I don't think they'll need it, but it's possible they may ask.

Edited on by WoomyNNYes


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Minecraft Switch Edition Local Multiplater Not Saving Settings

Source: https://www.nintendolife.com/forums/nintendo-switch/minecraft_multiplayer_not_working

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